The Series will continue February 27th with a pre-recorded presentation by Homegrown National Parks co-founder and NY Times bestselling author Doug Tallamy that will inspire and show us how we can address global biodiversity decline in our own backyards.
Working Group - Publicity & Community Outreach
Our goal is to share the vision of Woodstock Transition with the community in a way that is both inspiring and inviting. Our Working Group:
- Host live events
- Staff information tables at other group's events
- Create brochures, flyers, and invitations
- Collaborate with other organizations
- Maintain our FaceBook presence
- Send emails to our subscribers
- Maintain our website
Contact: Polly Howells at or 845 657-6549
11th Annual Film and Discussion Series / Event 1
The Woodstock Film & Discussion Series will launch its 11th Annual Season on Monday January 30th at 7pm. The 11th season will begin with a virtual screening of the stirring, award-winning film “Seeding Change: The Power of Conscious Commerce.”
Register for the January 30th event at the following link
Creating Community Solutions to Our Housing Challenges and Why What We Do Matters
9th Annual Film & Discussion Series
Monday, January 25th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Free online event with Q&A. Attend via Zoom or Facebook livestream. Register for the Zoom webinar here.
Presented by Woodstock Housing Committee and Ulster County Housing Advisory Committee, this program highlights 2021 initiatives aimed to address the housing crisis in Woodstock and all other Ulster County communities.

9th Annual Film & Discussion Series – Future Fruits Project
Future Fruits Project
Monday, January 25th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Free online event with presentation, short videos, and Q&A. Attend via Zoom or Facebook livestream. Register for the Zoom webinar here.
Growing freely available food in public spaces, based on the perennial agriculture/food forest concept. Future Fruits Project has initiatives in New Paltz and Kingston and would like to have more.

Webinar: Designing Gardens with Nature: A Pollinator Pathway Event
Tuesday, March 24 – 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Register for the Webinar:
Learn about creating a garden with ecology as inspiration and native plants as its foundation, providing habitat for pollinators, insects, and birds.
Woodstock NY Pollinator Pathway A collaboration of individuals, businesses, and non-profits establishing a network of pollinator friendly properties.
8th Annual Film & Discussion Series 2020 / Event#2 / Pollinator & Bird Pathway: Hometown Habitat
February 24th 7-8:30 pm Woodstock jewish Congregation 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock
Selections from the documentary film “Hometown Habitat” will present the importance of native plants in our yards. Join our community project to help reverse the steeps decline in pollinators that affects bird, amphibians, our food supply, and our entire ecosystem.
8th Annual Film & Discussion Series 2020 / Event#4 / ReThinking Disposables for a Clearner Planet
April 27th 7-8:30 pm Woodstock Jewish Congregation 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock
The world produces two billion tons of solid waste yearly, with Americans producing 3X the global average. Disposable food and beverage packaging makes up 67% of litter on our streets. Be inspired to make better choices for a cleaner planet.
8th Annual Film & Discussion Series 2020 / Event#1 / Home Energy Plan for the 21st Century
January 27th 7-8:30 pm Woodstock Jewish Congregation 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock
Discover ways your neighbors are retrofitting their homes for greater comfort while reducing their carbon footprint and reducing energy costs. Hear about local initiatives and new technologies, from easy fixes to big ones, to entirely eliminate fossil fuel usage from our lives.
Project Drawdown and Drawdown EcoChallenge
Thursday, March 14th, at Woodstock’s Community Center, from 7-8:30pm.
Learn about Project Drawdown – the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming – and Drawdown EcoChallenge – the 21-day engagement program that follows actions highlighted in Drawdown.
Come and see what everyone is talking about.
2019 Film and Discussion Series – 2nd Event
Global Problems / Local Solutions
How the Lifecycle of Food Impacts Climate Change and What We Can Do About It
inspired by DRAWDOWN
Reversing Climate Change One Meal at a Time
Discover that what you eat each day can change the future. Through two short videos and discussion with local leaders, we will explore how our shifting to more plant-rich meals can help reverse climate change.
See site calendar for event details